the application submission period is currently closed

Critical repair Program
Habitat for Humanity affiliates across the nation have started expanding services to serve more people in their communities with Neighborhood Revitalization and critical home repairs.
Our Home Repair Program seeks to help low-income homeowners with much-needed key home repairs so that they can continue to live in a safe and decent home. As with all Habitat programs, this serves as a hand UP not a hand OUT. Participants in the program must pay for a portion of materials and services, and our volunteers donate labor wherever possible. Those who partner for the program also complete sweat equity hours, which can be working on their own home project and financial counseling.
Habitat's Critical Repair program is generously funded by:
Program Qualifications
Habitat for Humanity of Grant County performs only owner occupied critical repairs. You must meet the following qualifications:
1. Need
To determine need, the following factors will be assessed:
Household income does not exceed 80% of the area median Income (AMI) (table shown below for minimum and maximum income guidelines). Note: Preference will be given to applicants at 60% of the AMI and under.
Home condition in need of repair related to health, life safety issues or code violations.
Home is located within current Neighborhood Revitalization target area
2. Ability to Pay
To demonstrate their ability to pay, homeowners must be current on all following payments at the time of application and repair:
Property taxes payments
Homeowner's Insurance Policy Payments
3. Willingness to Partner
To demonstrate their willingness to partner, homeowners must:
Have lived in their home for at least 12 months
Commit to remain in their home for at least 12 months after the repair work is completed
Possess homeowners' insurance
commit to performing sweat equity of at least 4 hours
In the event that the home repairs are not suited for volunteer labor, the family will use sweat Habitat or Habitat designated Community Partner projects in the target area. Household members or immediate family may complete sweat equity hours.
Commit to attend at least one education class provided by the affiliate.
Be screened in accordance with Habitat for Humanity’s criminal background check policy and sex offender registry check policy

Nonproselytizing Policy:
Habitat for Humanity of Grant County is an Equal Housing Lender
Habitat for Humanity International and its affiliated organizations (Habitat for Humanity) will not proselytize, nor will Habitat for Humanity work with entities or individuals who insist on proselytizing as part of their work with Habitat for Humanity. This means that Habitat for Humanity will not offer assistance on the expressed or implied condition that people must (i) adhere to or convert to a particular faith or (ii) listen and respond to messaging designed to induce conversion to a particular faith.
Habitat for humanity income guidelines
Habitat for Humanity of Grant County (HFHGC) annually updates our Homeownership Program income requirements based on area market conditions and the Housing and Urban Development determination of the AMI. Special consideration is given to families within the 30-60% AMI, but HFHGC will accept families up to 80% of the AMI in some cases. We reserve the right to revise these guidelines at any time.
Family Size
Minimum Yearly Gross Income
Maximum Yearly Gross Income
**For a family size larger than 8, contact us.
Scope of Work for Repairs
Projects will involve exterior repair projects that are more extensive than projects that would fit into the A Brush with Kindness program. Interior work may also be considered if it is critical to the integrity of the home. These projects will incorporate volunteer labor whenever appropriate and may require mufltiple days to complete. Some scopes of work may forgo volunteer labor and utilize contracted labor in such instances in which professional expertise is required for the safety and quality of the project. In projects involving only work done by subcontractors, Habitat will serve as the general contractor. If volunteer labor is utilized, volunteers will work only on the exterior of the home. Project cost will be in the range of $1,001-$10,000.
Habitat will perform the following:
Attic Insulation Installation
Roof Replacement (full replacement, including decking)
HVAC work
SOME accessibility aides (grab bars, railings, ramps, etc)
Habitat will NOT perform the following:
Aesthetic (non-critical) home improvements
Repairs to mobile homes or detached garages
Projects that would jeopardize Habitat volunteers or staff participating in the project
In keeping with Habitat’s tenet of a hand up and not a hand out, payment for services will be required on a sliding scale based upon the household’s income and amount of repair cost. Homeowners must repay HFHGC a percentage based on family income for the cost of materials used, subcontracted labor (as needed) in addition to an administration fee prior to the work being started. Failure to pay the repair costs and fees up front within a reasonable time under the agreed upon terms will result in disqualification from the program. All monies saved will be returned to the family if repairs are not performed.
HFHGC will utilize volunteer labor at no cost to homeowners whenever possible, while providing qualified supervision at all times.
Homeowners may seek alternative funding sources (such as reimbursement from area agencies); it is the homeowner’s responsibility to seek these funding sources alternative to the HFHGC repayment program.
Homeowners will be connected to programs to help save for the repair costs as necessary.
The table below reflects this cost and fee structure: