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General FAQs

Q: I’m interested in volunteering with Habitat. What is the first step to getting involved?

A: The first step is to read our volunteer descriptions, and when you are ready, then fill out this volunteer information form.  Next you will want to sign the liability waiver and email it to so it is ready to go and on file with us.  We offer construction and non-construction volunteer opportunities and once we receive your form of interest we will send you our upcoming volunteer schedule.

Q: I have volunteered with a group in the past, but want to come back as an individual. How can I do that?

We welcome anyone who volunteered with a group to come back as an individual! You can reach out to our Volunteer Committee here to have them adjust your interests. 

Q: Do I have to be there the whole day?

A:  Depending on the opportunity, you may have to be there the whole day. Construction projects require a full day’s commitment, which is typically 7.5 hours. Office and organizational help varies and is usually more flexible.

Q: I have required hours to complete. Is there a way I can get them verified at the end?
A: Yes, you should contact the Volunteer Coordinator ( or 765-662-1552) before you begin volunteering to make arrangements for hours verification.

Q: I have some days off every week. Can I volunteer on a more regular basis?
A: Yes, we have options for individuals interested in becoming regular volunteers. For more information please see our Opportunity Descriptions page.

Volunteering FAQs


Q: I don't have any construction experience.  Can I still volunteer on site?

A: Yes, absolutely! We don’t require any construction experience prior to volunteering. Our site supervisors are familiar with all skill levels and can make everyone useful on a build.

Q: What do I need to bring with me when I volunteer onsite?
A: All of the tools are provided. We encourage anyone who has their own gloves to bring them, but there will be some extras on Construction sites. You are welcome to bring your own tools too, but we encourage you to clearly label them and keep track of them throughout the day.

You should also bring a lunch and water bottle and be sure to wear sturdy closed toe and closed heel shoes.

Q: Do you only build houses during the warm months of the year?
A: Habitat for Humanity of Grant County builds houses year-round, and we need volunteers all year! During winter months almost all work is done inside.

Age requirements

Q: How old do I need to be to volunteer?

A: In order to volunteer on a Construction or Home Repair site, volunteers must be 16 years old – no exceptions. For volunteers who are 16 or 17, there must be an adult chaperone of at least 21 years of age with them. The ratio can be up 4:1 (four youth to one adult). 

Please note that with high school groups, any students aged 18 or older will still require a chaperone when volunteering as a group.

Q: Is there any way for younger youth to get involved?
A: There are many options for youth to get involved with Habitat, both as individuals or groups. 

  • Hands-On Workshops: Because youth under the age of 16 cannot be on construction sites, and other youth may not be able to give a full day of volunteering, we have developed opportunities for youth to do hands-on building projects that benefit Habitat but are not new home construction. Our current winter project is building toy boxes that are given as a gift to new Habitat Homebuyers. The spring project is building Adirondack chairs.

  • Fundraising Support: Habitat staff are available to provide ideas and support for youth-led fundraising projects that are both fun and interactive.

  • Youth Directed Projects: Projects created by youth tend to be innovative, and tackle issues of affordable housing in new ways—because of this we are happy to work with groups to develop project ideas that they have.


Q: Are there age limits on volunteer opportunities?
A: No, there are not age limits on any opportunities. We encourage older adults to volunteer with us. We have a large number of older volunteers who give a lot of time to us. For more information, contact the Volunteer Coordinator ( or 765-662-1552).

Group FAQs

Q:What is Home Building?
A: Habitat for Humanity of Grant County builds affordable homes throughout Grant County using volunteer labor. We partner with families and volunteers to build new affordable homes that help put families on a pathway to new opportunities. By building a Habitat home, you help to create affordable housing for families in need.

Q: Why do I have to sponsor my workday(s)?
A: We are extremely grateful for our volunteers who donate their time! However, we also need to raise funds in order to cover the cost of land acquisition, building materials and site supervision. Habitat Grant County depends on the financial support of volunteer groups to help defray the rising cost of construction. A donation corresponding to your level of participation is vital to Habitat’s mission of making decent, affordable shelter for all people a reality. Please see the group volunteer registration form for details. Sponsorship is required during the summer season but is flexible during the winter season.

Q: Does my donation go toward the build site I am working on?
A: Yes! Your donation is tied to the home(s) you volunteer on. Sponsors at the Build Week level or above will be recognized on a sign placed prominently at the site throughout the build and will be named in all news releases, Annual Report and Dedication Program. Create a Home sponsors will have additional recognition benefits corresponding to the level of financial support.

Q: How many volunteers do we need?
A: Depending on the date(s) you volunteer and the scope of your project, we ask groups to bring anywhere between 10 – 18 volunteers, depending on the site and season. Contact the Volunteer Coordinator for more details at

Q: Does my group need construction experience?
A: No. We welcome all levels of skill and experience! All necessary training is provided on-site by a Habitat staff member (Site Supervisor). If your group does have one or more skilled volunteers, consider asking them to be crew leaders.

Q: Which dates do you have available?
A: Our construction schedule is always changing and being updated. Please work with your Habitat Resource Development contact to check availability. If you do not have a Resource Development contact yet, contact the Volunteer Coordinator at to get started.

Q: We would like to build in the city where we live or where our business, congregation or school is located. Can you accommodate that?
A: We will do our best to match your group to your desired community. However, it may not be possible depending on our current project locations and the greatest need of our families. Be aware that our construction sites are spread across the Grant County area.

Q: Does my group need to provide tools or other supplies?
A: All tools and equipment will be available on site. You are more than welcome to bring your own if you’d like, just be sure to label them. Habitat is not responsible for lost or damaged tools brought by volunteers.

Q: Do we need to designate leadership roles?
A: Your group must designate a primary contact to communicate with us before the build, and an On-Site Coordinator who will be on site during the build. The On-Site Coordinator serves as a liaison between the Site Supervisor and volunteers – good communication is essential. Your group may also recruit Crew Leaders who will supervisor groups of 4-5 volunteers on site. Additional information will be provided upon confirmation.

Q: What is the minimum age for volunteers?
A: For safety reasons, those under the age of 16 are not allowed to volunteer on an active construction site. We require one adult crew leader for every group of four 16 and 17 year olds working on site. All high school groups, even if their volunteers are 18 years old, will need to have at least one adult for every four students. Ages 14 and 15 are allowed to volunteer on landscaping projects and must have one-on-one adult supervision. All adult supervisors must be 21 years or older. For more information, please
contact us.

If you have a question that wasn’t covered here, please email with your question.

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