Volunteers like you are crucial to keeping Habitat home builds on schedule. Our staff spent weeks designing new safety protocols that will provide you with a safe, engaging, and meaningful volunteer experience. And this summer, there are more opportunities for you than ever before!
Volunteering Changes
Your safety is our top priority. Here are just a few of the protocols designed with your safety in mind.
Shorter days. Sites are open 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. to allow more time for deep cleaning.
Smaller crews. Each site has a limit of 6-8 volunteers and social distancing measures are in place.
Masks required. Please bring your own mask to site. If you are unable to do this, please reach out to your site supervisor so they can assist you.
Wash hands. Handwashing stations are on all sites. You’re encouraged to wash hands often and avoid sharing tools.

Expectations for Persons Exposed To, or Exhibiting Symptoms of COVID-19
No person(s) may visit any Habitat for Humanity of Grant County (HFHGC) property who within the last 14 days, has experienced any of the following symptoms (personally, or within their household):
Fever (100.4°F or greater)
Persistent Cough
Shortness of Breath
Muscle Pain
Sore Throat
New Loss of Smell or Taste
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, stay at home regardless of whether you have tested positive for COVID-19 or are unable to be tested. If you have any questions, or if you would like any clarification on what meets the above criteria, please contact us before your arrival.
If Symptoms Appear While on Site or After a Day on Site
Immediately return home and contact your health care provider as appropriate.
Notify your HFHGC contact and site supervisor that you are experiencing symptoms.
Volunteer Management will ask who you have been in close contact with in the past two weeks.
Volunteer Management or your site supervisor will alert those who were in close contact.
Your health status will remain confidential.
Site may be shut-down on short notice in accordance with Safety Policy.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Masks must be worn by staff and volunteers on site at all times when social distancing is not possible. Please bring your own mask to site. If you are unable to do this, please reach out to your site supervisor so they can assist you.
We will attempt to maintain at least six (6) feet between individuals to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19.
Some construction activities require closer than six (6) feet (framing, scaffold erection and deconstruction, sheetrock, exterior insulation, weather barrier, window and door installation, siding, flooring and cabinet install). These activities will be present throughout the build.
Masks are not a substitute for distancing.
There will be a maximum of eight (8) volunteers permitted on site at a time. TCHFH will limit the total number of individuals on-site to no more than 10.
Each person should use their own set of tools (hand tools, power tools, ladders, power cords, etc.) and materials (screws, nails, etc.) during the course of work where possible.
Habitat will provide all necessary tools, but you are encouraged to bring your own hand tools if you have them.
Work on separate floors or areas when possible while working on the interior of a home.
Work on separate parts of the house where possible while working on the exterior of a home.
Stay Safe While Volunteering
Wash hands with soap and water frequently for at least 20 seconds.
HFHGC will provide adequate handwashing stations at all sites, including those without running water.
Hand sanitizer is recommended if handwashing is not available.
Minimize contact with common surfaces (door handles, etc.)
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Cover all coughs and sneezes with your elbow.
In all instances, maintain at least a six (6)-foot distance between people.
Food and Water
Avoid buffet style lunches and snacks. Volunteers should bring their own lunch or groups may cater using boxed lunches, preferably from local businesses. Habitat will provide lunch if necessary.
Each site will have a supply of water, but to minimize contact with shared surfaces, we recommend you bring your own.
Additional Sanitation
HFHGC staff will sanitize hard surfaces and all tools on site after each work shift.
We've outlined all of our volunteer guidelines in the below PDF documents. If you have any further questions, please contact us at info@granthabitat.com or 765-662-1552.